Secure remote access - not just a “nice to have” anymore
17 March 2020
If you are an OEM or System Integrator, you need to be able to react to maintenance or down time issues as quickly as possible to stay ahead of the competition. Have you calculated downtime, staffing and travel costs needed to resolve problems?
When you consider the time and costs involved sending engineers to support and resolve industrial application issues, remote access can be a saviour.
Routeco has a range of products that provide secure remote access solutions – whether you need data logging, remote device monitoring or remote access support in industrial environments.
Control faults may occur at any time within a busy factory environment and when unplanned, it can have considerable impact. When downtime occurs, companies want technology to take the strain and minimise the negative impact and get back to producing as soon as possible.
By monitoring your network remotely and securely by using data loggers and remote access solutions time and cost worries go away.
Remote access solutions are a secure way to help you monitor manufacturing sites and any factory machinery you have from different suppliers.
One benefit to secure remote access to industrial control systems is data logging. Data logging information supports maintenance, modernisation strategies, production output and OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) calculations.
Data logging and remote access are practical solutions to the age-old problem of not being in the right place at the right time. It isn’t efficient to have to travel hundreds of miles to another site, or even out of the country, to fix a maintenance issue that could have been fixed remotely and this helps reduce the impact on your company’s carbon footprint!
There is no need to have concerns about who can gain access or your IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) security. Routeco have IIoT security experts who can advise and ensure your product choices meets both engineering and IT security requirements.
If remote access is a new technology that you need to learn, or you want to expand your current solutions to include data acquisition and you are worried it’s a daunting change, Routeco are here to support your set up and initial projects.
Please get in touch if you want to start seeing the benefits of technology taking the strain – Routeco’s specialist engineers can be contacted via email or phone on 0370 607 1000.
ProSoft have also put together a handy guide about remote connectivity to help you find the solution you need.
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